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Black Business

According to a new survey from Shopify, Black businesses contribute significantly to the company, yet they still struggle to get funding.  The barriers Black-owned businesses face Black-owned businesses face many barriers that limit their growth, including a need for more access to capital funding and investments. Not only does this make it harder for them to succeed, but it also limits their growth potential.  Despite racial and social justice movements catalyzing public support for Black businesses over recent years, minority founders have been left with unfulfilled promises of investments from banks,

Miiriya has been flooded with messages of support after the online marketplace for Black-owned businesses announced its upcoming closure.  The brainchild of Lamine Loco, Miiriya is a platform connecting Black-owned businesses with consumers – kind of like an Etsy or Amazon for Black businesses. The name comes from Loco’s native language, Bambara/Dioula, and means “thoughts” or “ideas.” Committed to the circulation of the Black dollar, Miiriya lets vendors sign up without transaction or listing fees. They also pay credit card and PayPal fees out of pocket, so vendors receive 100% of

If you’ve been on TikTok lately, chances are you’ve come across food critic, Keith Lee.  The MMA fighter-turned-food critic has dedicated his online platform to helping underrepresented Black-owned restaurants get the spotlight they deserve.  In a recent video, popular TikToker Keith Lee revealed that he had helped a struggling Black business raise $30,000 in under 24 hours. Through his honest but rewarding TikTok reviews, struggling businesses have seen an enormous influx of customers, with many going from no customers to completely selling out.  After making his way home, Lee spotted

Indianapolis-born actor Mike Epps has announced new plans to open an entertainment venue in downtown Detroit featuring Black-owned spirit and wine brands.  The instability of our economy has forced many people to look for new innovative ways to increase their income and help others. As a result, celebrity entrepreneurship is rising, and comedian Mike Epps’ latest business venture exemplifies that.  One Mike Detroit is a multi-faceted entertainment venue designed to celebrate the people of Detroit. According to Detroit News, the site will host live music, stand-up comedy, spoken word, and a VR experience.  The

Black-owned real estate tech company, REZI, has secured $100 million in debt financing from Stratos Credit.  REZI’s $100M Investment   The announcement comes at a time of rapid growth for the platform, which has continuously shaken the status quo. The company, founded in 2016 by Sean Mitchell, has shaken the real estate space by creating space for the next generation of renters. The additional funding will go towards helping the company expand its services to more property owners and new markets.  “Stratos has been a core strategic partner of REZI since 2017,” said

Black founder Jim Gibbs decided to launch parking payment app Meter Feeder after facing challenges breaking into the software engineering sector.  Who is Jim Gibbs?  Jim Gibbs, co-founder and CEO of the digital parking app, Meter Feeder, has built an impressive portfolio in software engineering over the years. Despite his entrepreneurial journey being a lot harder than most, Gibbs has always believed in the success of his business model.   Jim Gibbs, a New York native, decided to move to Pittsburgh to attend Carnegie Mellon University as a computer science major. Due

Financial giant Wells Fargo recently announced that it would be investing $355,000 in a new diversity program, The Inclusivity Project. The Inclusivity Project The Inclusivity Project was first launched in 2021 and has since been run by the Northern California Small Business Development Centers (NorCal SBDC). Initially designed to support Black and African American businesses seriously impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the project has since become a community open to all business types and stages. The project offers free advice, mentoring, workshops, and networking, as well as access to exclusive

A former orphanage for Black children in Nova Scotia, known for its historic institutional abuse, has reopened as Kinney Place, a community hub for Black businesses.  The Orphanage With A Dark Past  The Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children, established in the 1920s to ‘meet the needs of disadvantaged Black youth,’ became a symbol of prominent struggle amongst the Black community. After closing in the 1980s, hundreds of former residents began to disclose the neglect and abuse they had faced during their time in the orphanage. A public inquiry also revealed

Two Black business trading groups have teamed up to unveil a new tool to help measure corporations’ support for Black-owned businesses.  The National Business League and the National Black Chamber of Commerce, founded in the 1900s, have launched the Black Business Equity and Inclusion Score Card to hold both public and private sectors to account.  The score cards aim to hold companies accountable for any past pledges to support Black businesses and underrepresented founders. Black Lives Matter Promises Since the killing of George Floyd in 2020, all eyes have been on the

As Africa’s tech ecosystem grows, the demand for talent is soaring. For young Africans, digital skills have become ever-more important and attractive. In 2021, according to the Africa Developer Ecosystem Report (pdf), Africa’s developer community grew by 3.8%, bringing the total number of developers on the continent to 716,000. The average local developer in Africa is seven years younger than their global counterpart and has up to three years of experience. The pandemic drove increased adoption of remote work around the world, leading to international companies recruiting African developers at

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