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SOJO, a Deliveroo-style clothing repair and alterations collection and delivery app, has announced a new partnership with a major UK retailer The Black woman-owned platform will power Marks and Spencer’s (M&S) new clothing repairs and alterations service. Making clothing repairs mainstream Founder Josephine Philips was driven by a belief in a slower and more considered approach to society’s relationship with fashion, leading her to start SOJO in 2021. The collaboration with M&S aims to make clothing repairs more accessible and mainstream, aligning with both companies’ commitments to sustainability.  The partnership

Since early May, the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul has experienced devastating floods due to torrential rain which also lead to AI-generated misinformation. At one point, the region saw four months’ worth of rainfall in just three days.  This catastrophe has left over half a million people displaced and much of the state capital still submerged weeks later.  It is the worst flooding disaster in Brazil’s history, with the ongoing rainy season likely prolonging the situation. AI-Generated Misinformation Spreads Amid Crisis Amid the chaos, misinformation has flourished with

El Salvador, the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, has mined nearly 474 Bitcoins worth approximately $29 million using geothermal energy from the Tecapa volcano, according to Nasdaq. Harnessing Volcanic Power for Bitcoin Mining Since September 2021, El Salvador has been leveraging the geothermal power of the Tecapa volcano to fuel its Bitcoin mining operations.  This initiative, a collaboration with prominent mining firms like Foundry USA, Antpool, ViaBTC, F2Pool, and Binance Pool, taps into the 102 megawatts generated by the state-owned geothermal power plant.  Of this, 1.5 megawatts are

African tech startup Kubik has announced a $5.2 million seed funding round, making it the first Ethiopian company to raise a multi-million dollar investment in climate and sustainability solutions. Ethiopia’s First Company To Raise Multi-Million Climate Investment Kubik, named the Global Startup of the Year 2023, is an environmental company that uses tech to help countries reduce their carbon and plastic footprint. They turn hard-to-recycle plastic waste into low-cost, low-carbon, interlocking building material by removing environmental waste and creating ultra-durable, safe, affordable buildings. They are on a mission to build dignity through clean and affordable

Women’s History Month 2024 shines a spotlight on ‘Champions of Change,’ celebrating women who advocate for equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).  This month-long observance in March honors the role of women in American history and acknowledges their ongoing efforts to create a more equitable world.  This year’s theme particularly resonates with the tech industry, where women, especially Black women, are significantly underrepresented, undermined, and excluded.  In this context, we have spotlighted some Black women in tech whose startups are breaking barriers, building bridges, and making the world a more equitable place. Laura Weidman Powers – Code2040

Idris Elba, renowned British actor and DJ, is steering his creative process towards building a “smart eco-city” on Sherbro Island, off Sierra Leone’s coast.  Elba’s Plans According to CNN, Elba, a Sierra Leonean citizen, focuses on blending technological innovation and environmental consciousness in this project. The initiative, in collaboration with Sherbro Alliance Partners and the Sierra Leone government, is an investment venture and a heartening return to his roots, as Elba’s father hailed from Sierra Leone. Sherbro Island, approximately the size of Chicago and historically significant in the slave trade

Black Tech Nation Ventures (, a venture firm based in Pittsburgh, has announced the final close of a $50 million inaugural fund. This fund specifically targets software startups led by founders from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds, including Black, Latinx, Indigenous, female, and LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs.’s founding in 2020 resulted from a collaboration between three serial entrepreneurs, Kelauni Jasmyn, David Motley, and Seán Sebastian. The focus addresses the long-standing issue of inequity in funding and anticipates significant returns within the venture industry. “We set up to equip and train a

Ethiopia has announced plans to ban the importation of fuel-powered vehicles, shifting its focus exclusively to electric vehicles (EVs).  Alemu Sime, the Ethiopian Minister of Transport and Logistics, announced the bold move as part of the country’s comprehensive green mobility strategy. Electric Vehicles Only According to Sime, Ethiopia spent €6 billion ($7.6 billion) on petrol and diesel imports in 2023. Additionally, pollution levels in city centers due to cars are reportedly off the charts. Now, the government has decided to allow only EVs into the country by banning gasoline and diesel-powered

An Atlanta-area Black-owned tech company founded by Derek Bailey hopes to change the delivery industry with the Exceeder app. Atlanta’s All-Electric Vehicle Delivery Service Exceeder is an all-electric vehicle delivery service offering sustainable electric SUVs, pickup trucks, and scooters for rent. At the heart of its innovation is the Proteus Generator, a patented gas-to-electric-circulation generator that transforms fuel into low-carbon electricity, redefining recharging for electric vehicles.  “The Proteus generator basically puts the power plant onboard the vehicle, eliminating the need to plug into an external power source,” Bailey told Digital

UK-based Black-owned platform Sojo has become the first fashion repairs and alterations platform to achieve B Corp certification. Certified B Corps are companies verified by B Lab to meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. The B Corp Community is a global movement of businesses that provide leadership by demonstrating their commitment to people and the planet. There are over 7,800 B Corps worldwide, across 161 industries in 92 countries, with over 708,300 workers. Sojo achieved 86.8 points, above the B Corp pass mark of 80 and

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