What made you decide to work in tech? Before I even knew what I was getting into, I picked up on some knowledge during middle school that engineers make a lot of money! {laughs} I was always good at math and science, but before it was a desire it was: What do my skills tell me I should do? As I got into high school, I think I had a soft pulse on the evolution of technology, and where it would be by the time I was a young adult. I

What made you decide to work in tech? I’ve always been drawn to computers from a young age.  I knew I wanted my career to be oriented towards something more analytical, so when I first saw programming I was sold immediately. What was the biggest obstacle you faced? I think one challenge I faced was self-doubt.  The closest I’ve come to giving up on programming was actually my first time trying to program.  Often when people encounter difficult subjects for the first time it is not uncommon to think “maybe

    Stony Brook University – Computer Information System Director of Web Development and Production www.abrianharris.com What made you decide to work in tech? Isn’t it obvious? Girls love nerds, duh! However, in all seriousness, “tech” involves all that is new, exciting and creative. I love all of the aforementioned, so it was a no-brainer to decide to get paid for it. The adage is: “Do what you love.” What was an obstacle you faced and how did you overcome that obstacle?  I don’t “look” like a nerd. When I use

  What made you decide to work in tech? I’ve just liked computers for as long as I can remember. What’s your earliest programming memory? I didn’t start programming until I was in high school. I took a computer science course. We used JavaSwing to draw things, and it was really awesome! What was an obstacle you faced ? Oh yeah. In college, I had a project based class. My professor made me lead developer. I was normally the only girl developer in my class, and I was the only girl

What made you decide to work in tech? Working in tech was something that I fell into; it wasn’t exactly a conscious decision. As a teenager I ended up teaching myself how to code and fell in love with it. From there, it turned into a career. What was an obstacle you faced and how did you overcome that obstacle? I think the biggest obstacle I faced was ageism in the industry. Being a young person of color, it was tough for people to take me seriously at first. I still

What made you decide to work in tech? I’ve been interested in technology for almost as long as I can remember. I used to go to my dad’s office and play snake on his computer. At this time, I kept wondering how you go from circuits to what I saw on the screen. Fast forward to middle school when I found out what an engineer was and that there was a type that specialized in computers. I knew then what I wanted to do. What was an obstacle you faced

What made you decide to work in tech? I applied to a non-technical summer program at Google because I thought that Google seemed cool. I was very fortunate to have gotten accepted, and ended up seeing a talk by Megan Smith who talked about the power of engineering. I was really inspired and intrigued so I decided to give programming a shot.  What was an obstacle you faced and how did you overcome that obstacle? My biggest issue has always been feeling like I’ve started coding too late and that

Iheanyi Ekechukwu is a Software Engineer in IBM Watson, a cognitive system that enables a partnership between people and computers. Check him out on his podcast Two Black Nerds, where he and his friend tackle topics such as diversity in the tech industry, current events, and life after college. What made you decide to work in tech? I didn’t start coding until college. I got into tech, as I was always into video games when I was younger, and wanted to be a games developer. But once I got into

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