Tips From Black Tech Twitter For Those Looking To Get Their Foot Through The Door

Black Tech Twitter is good for many things – from shining a light on the rising talent in the sector, helping members of the community land their dream jobs, to updating those who are keen to get into the industry on the latest events happening around the globe.
But one thing it’s increasingly becoming well-known for is being a safe space to ask for advice and get “absolute gems” in return.
Here at POCIT, we’ve broken down some of the latest advice from Black Tech Twitter this month.
Just go for it is one man’s advice to those wondering whether they should take that bold step into the industry.
Although Black people make up a small percentage of the sector – this shouldn’t stop you from dreaming big.
Developer Engineer Rashad said: “Breaking into a career field you have no experience in is scary. Being broke is even scarier! Weigh the options and stop wasting time! We can make back the income we lost; we can’t make back time, so let’s get it.!”
Rashad also encouraged junior staff to take advantage of their companies’ free sources and skills workshop to help them with their long-term ambitions.
Here’s a tip for founders from the managing partner at Rare Breed Venture Capital firm, Mac Conwell.
“Founders, when an investor says, “I really like what you are doing, please add me to your updates and let’s stay in touch,” I know it sounds disingenuous and like a polite rejection, but It’s not. The investors actually mean it. we just invested in a company that did this well,” he said.
But as always with advice – you should take it with a pinch of salt because every investor is different, as made clear by the founder of Relomove Tye Calloway, who questioned whether investors are okay with being added to a customer newsletter or they prefer the standard data-driven investor update emails.
It’s never too late to transition from one career into the other. A career in tech is always possible no matter your background or qualifications.
Best-selling author Kanika Tolver once echoed this when she said: “If you don’t love what you do, then it’s time to re-think your daily grind and renovate your career.”
Last but not least, one Twitter user asked: “What strategies can I use to get to my first 1000 customers?”
The founder of Bowrco, Rumi, replied saying: “For us, it was product improvement. With each customer, we kept asking them how we can make our product better. Then they kept referring people and we reached 1000 customers.”
While tech analyst Andrew Kirima recommended founders to read @abouelatta_ali’s newsletter as it said it will “most likely tell you all you need to know and more.”
He also highly recommends reading The 4 Steps to Epiphany by Steve Blank.