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Microsoft’s recent decision to lay off its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) team due to “changing business needs” has stirred controversy within the company, Business Insider reports. Internal Email Criticizes Microsoft’s Commitment A prominent leader from the DEI team, whose identity has been confirmed by Business Insider, sent an email to thousands of Microsoft employees. The email criticized the company for deeming DEI work “no longer business critical or smart” as it was perceived in 2020.  This message resonated strongly across the organization, reflecting a sense of betrayal among employees

Business leaders have acknowledged that their companies are lagging behind in their diversity efforts, according to a new report by The IN Group. The “UNLOCKED: Tech and the Boardroom” report surveyed 705 C-level executives in the UK, US, Germany and Netherlands. In today’s competitive business environment, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have become critical components of organizational success, however companies are falling behind. We’re falling behind, Say C-level execs In the report, 3 in 4 (76%) respondents confirmed that they have a diversity and inclusion strategy in place when it

Pfizer has urged a US Court of Appeals to uphold a decision to dismiss a lawsuit from an anti-affirmative action group that challenged its diversity fellowship program. The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit dismissed Do No Harm’s lawsuit because the group failed to name at least one individual harmed by Pfizer’s program. The lawsuit against Pfizer The case involves Pfizer’s fellowship program aimed at recruiting and training Black, Latine, and Native American leaders. Do No Harm’s lawsuit claims the program violated federal civil rights laws.  In March,

Workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives faced a significant setback after the US Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action in college admissions in 2023. However, experts now report that employers’ interest in DEI programs is now resurging, according to Law360. The Initial Impact of the Supreme Court’s Ruling The conservative-majority Supreme Court declared race-conscious admissions policies at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina unconstitutional.  Though the ruling targeted higher education, its effects quickly spread to the corporate world. Legal threats led many employers to pull back on

The Tech Talent Charter (TTC), a diversity-focused organizaton partly funded by the UK government, has announced that it is closing. Founded in 2015, the TTC aimed to bridge the diversity gap in tech by collaborating with industry leaders to foster a more inclusive environment.  Despite significant achievements, shifting industry priorities and economic pressures have led to the difficult decision to dissolve the organization. The Tech Talent Charter When the TTC was launched, women held fewer than 15% of tech roles in the UK, and broader diversity data was scarce.  Over

A growing trend among America’s largest corporations reveals a shift in how diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) metrics influence executive compensation.  According to a review of approximately 1,200 companies by Farient Advisors, the proportion of corporations using DEI metrics to set compensation has decreased from 33% to 28% in 2023.  High-profile companies like Best Buy Co., Johnson & Johnson (J&J), and Lazard Inc. are among those that have de-emphasized or removed DEI from their executive pay criteria. Conservative Pressure and Corporate Response This shift is partly attributed to conservative activists

Black executives believe that their companies have maintained a strong commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) despite anti-DEI pressure, a survey by The Executive Leadership Council (ELC) has found. The ELC, which aims to increase Black representation in C-Suites and corporate boards, surveyed 180 top Black executives across various sectors. The results showed a strong and resilient commitment among Black executives to DEI in corporate America. DEI Is Linked To Job Satisfaction Despite today’s landscape with anti-DEI, nearly 3 in 4 (72%) Black executives feel their companies’ commitment to

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) within the tech industry over the past five years has seen a decline, a new report from Tech Talent Charter (TTC) highlights. The UK not-for-profit’s 2023 annual benchmarking report points to carelessness, budget cuts, and a shift in priorities as factors threatening to reverse progress. Concerning Changes And Leadership Buy-In The TTC report warns of “concerning changes” across the tech landscape, citing a lack of leadership commitment and a risk of DE&I initiatives becoming performative rather than intentional. It emphasizes the importance of genuine efforts

Nearly 9 in 10 (87%) firms in the UK now prioritize Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), a new report claims, with AI tools playing a significant role in this transformation.  The findings come from a recent Workday survey, Global Blueprint for Belonging and Diversity, with views from CEOs and leaders in HR, IT, and finance. Can AI Support DEI Programs? The report found that overall, having the right technology stack is essential and can be critical in enabling DEI. In particular, it was found that there is a significant correlation between AI adoption and effective

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