February 28, 2024

Black Woman-Owned Bakery Bounces Back After Tesla’s Black History Month Snub

Voahangy Rasetarinera

Tesla has given $2,000 to The Giving Pies, a small Black woman-owned bakery in San Jose, following its cancellation of a significant pie order during Black History Month.

The order, initially set for 2,000 pies and then doubled, was worth between $6,000 to $16,000. 

However, the cancellation left the bakery with a financial loss of approximately $2,000 and missed opportunities during Black History Month.

Musk’s Intervention

Voahangy Rasetarinera, the bakery owner, took to Instagram to detail the financial strain caused by Tesla’s decision.

“To me, it was clear that Tesla’s corporate culture prioritized convenience over accountability, disregarding the livelihoods of small business owners like myself,” she wrote.

This move not only garnered public support but also caught the attention of Tesla CEO Elon Musk

Known for his active social media presence, Musk’s intervention after the post went viral was pivotal. 

His commitment to “make things good with the bakery” led to Tesla compensating The Giving Pies for the $2,000 they had lost.

In an email to the Guardian, Rasetarinera confirmed, “Tesla just paid the $2K that I was out of” for supplies and orders she had to decline to accomplish the Tesla orders.

A Broader Conversation

This incident has sparked a broader discussion on corporate ethics, especially concerning the impact of large corporations on small businesses.

It underscores the need for responsible business practices and the consequences that seemingly straightforward corporate decisions can have on smaller partners. 

However, following media coverage of the incident, Giving Pies has seen an influx of support in person and worldwide.

“As I reflect on this ordeal, I am reminded of the resilience and determination that have propelled me forward as a black woman entrepreneur,” said Raseyarinera.

“While Tesla’s actions may have caused temporary setbacks, they will not deter me from pursuing my passion and serving my community with integrity and pride.”

Sara Keenan

Tech Reporter at POCIT. Following her master's degree in journalism, Sara cultivated a deep passion for writing and driving positive change for Black and Brown individuals across all areas of life. This passion expanded to include the experiences of Black and Brown people in tech thanks to her internship experience as an editorial assistant at a tech startup.