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The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has filed a lawsuit against electric car maker Telsa for tolerating widespread and racial harassment of Black employees. Widespread Racism and Retaliation The lawsuit claims that Tesla violated federal law by tolerating widespread and ongoing racial harassment of its Black employees and subjecting some workers to retaliation for opposing the harassment. According to the suit, from at least 2015 to the present, Black employees at Telsa’s Fremont, California manufacturing facilities have routinely endured racial abuse, stereotyping, and hostility. They have also been subjected

Two Black TikTok workers have formed a complaint to the US Government’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) about racism and discrimination they faced at work. Nnete Matima and Joel Carter have accused TikTok’s parent company of racism and retaliation, alleging ByteDance Ltd. terminated their contracts after they spoke up about the discrimination. Nnete Matima Matima told CNN she was attracted to work at TikTok because the social media platform was “built upon Black culture” and the work of Black creators. After seeing TikTok’s pledge of support for the Black community

The devastating 2022 Buffalo mass shooting has sparked a legal battle to hold social media companies responsible for their platforms’ role in radicalization.  Two lawsuits, launched by the victims’ loved ones, are seeking accountability from tech giants such as Facebook, Reddit, and Alphabet, alleging that the algorithms and content on these platforms contributed to the racist attack that resulted in the deaths of ten Black people. How social media shaped the attack Payton Gendron, an 18-year-old white male, was fueled by white supremacist ideology as he carried out a murderous

A Black former assembly line staffer at Tesla is seeking to add almost 240 other workers to his 2017 lawsuit against the electric vehicle manufacturer which he described as a “hotbed for racist behavior.” A pattern and practice of race discrimination Marcus Vaughn, who formerly worked at Tesla’s Fremont factory in California, claims that Tesla allowed a “pattern and practice of race discrimination,” as per Bloomberg. In response to Vaughn’s initial filing, Tesla published a blog post titled “Hotbed of Misinformation. The company denied wrongdoing, stating it had investigated the allegations and fired

IT services firm Arthur Grand Technologies has come under scrutiny for a job advertisement requesting only white candidates apply. The company posted a job advertisement for a Business Analyst [Salesforce & Insurance Claims] on Indeed. However, the now-deleted advertisement included a note stating: “Only Born US Citizens [White] who are local within 60 miles from Dallas, TX [Don’t share with candidates]”. The client was listed as IT services company HTC Global and Warren Buffet’s multinational conglomerate holding company Berkshire Hathaway. The advertisement has since been deleted. Arthur Grand Technologies released

A new report by Catalyst examining the experience women from marginalized ethnic groups have in the workplace has given a voice to those in the corporate world who often go unheard.  What did Catalyst’s exposé reveal?  The detailed report by Samantha E. Erskine, Ph.D., Sheila Brassel, Ph.D., and Kathrine Robotham, Ph.D., analyzed the experiences of 2,734 Black and brown working women based in Australia, Canada, South Africa, U.K., and the U.S. The researchers investigated their experiences’ similarities and differences to properly understand their view of the corporate world. The report aims to

It’s 2022. Why are people still renting out slave cabins?  In a long overdue statement, Airbnb has announced they will no longer allow people to list or rent properties previously used to house enslaved people. Airbnb’s “1830 Slave Cabin” According to BuzzFeed News, Airbnb came under fire earlier in July for listing an “1830s slave cabin” on their website. Five months later, the company will finally remove all slavery-related listings from its website. The vacation rental site has stated that any listing of a plantation residence that “existed during the time

Tesla’s request for a retrial following a Black worker’s racism verdict has been denied.  Tesla’s retrial denied  According to reports, Tesla’s attempts were denied by District Judge William Orrick, despite the company requesting a new trial over liability and damages brought to the case by Black worker Owen Diaz.  The car giant has attempted to overturn the racism verdict, but the court still denied their advances.  The exact reason Judge William Orrick refused to give Tesla a retrial is unknown. Still, considering the past accusations, those who have experienced racial

According to a new Senate report, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are failing to moderate online extremists adequately. The report, released on Wednesday, called on federal law enforcement to reevaluate its response to the growing threat of terrorism and extremism.  The Senate has called out social media platforms for failing to stop the spread of violent and anti-government propaganda online, which has increased over recent years.  Harmful extremism circulating online  Recent incidents have led many to question the violent consequences of social media, which has seen more

Bobbi Wilson experienced her first encounter with law enforcement at nine years old after her neighbor reported her to the police for playing outside with lanternflies. When Dr. Ijeoma Opara, a tenure track assistant professor at Yale, came across the story, she decided to reach out to Bobbi’s family. Bobbi Wilson’s Story On Oct 22, Wilson wandered outside her house with an anti-bug spray she had made after learning about invasive species on TikTok. Bobbi used the non-toxic solution to do her part in saving her local trees and the

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