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Mental Health

Platforms created by Black founders for communities of color continue to blossom. They are providing culturally competent care — acknowledging a patient’s heritage, beliefs, and values during treatment – in ways that other providers aren’t. Racial discrimination in healthcare disadvantages Black and other minority ethnic groups with unequal access to quality healthcare resources. Inspired by their own experiences, these Black entrepreneurs are launching startups that aim to close the cultural gap in health care with technology, create profitable businesses and tackle racism. R.grid Dr. Amber Michelle Hill is considered a force in the

Why Black Workers Are facing a return to office anxiety Ninety-seven percent of Black knowledge workers are not ready to return to offices. As a result, the home has become a safe space for Black workers in the last year, a refuge from racism, crude jokes, and office politics. Working from home has reduced the discrimination and microaggressions [indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group] many Black people say they feel in the workplace, the survey also said. In addition, the need for code-switching is significantly reduced.

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