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We are so used to the narrative of the starving artist, or the former star crashing and burning, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at those hip-hop artists using tech to buck the trend. The ones who have been wise enough to capitalize on tech’s slow coup-ted of every industry. The ones who have been investing in startups, raising capital and founding their very own. This is far from the canonical list, and I’ve missed out on many others [honorable mention to Chamillionaire, and of course Dr.

The day after Christmas 2016 I shared the 10 lessons learned from the 40 books I’d read last year. ~200K views later I knew without a doubt, even in January of 2017, that I would be writing a follow-up post :). This is that follow-up. One of the best comments on last year’s post was that I share this before Thanksgiving to ensure folk can add the books to their holiday shopping lists . I got the chance to read this many books again this year due to a lot

The noise about disruptive tech is deafening; Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) creating crypto-millionaires at a pace causing even governments to worry, brain + machine interfaces and your face replacing your fingerprints/passwords. These, and other propositions that indeed make it seem like we live in a world that is moving faster than most of us can adapt to. But which of these technologies will go beyond the hype and change our lives at scale? Which of these will be a General Purpose Technology (GPT). What is a General Purpose Technology (GPT)?

Tell us about your career up to this point. It’s been quite nonlinear. My first job was as a reporter covering arts and theatre for the local edition of a national newspaper in Bangalore, India (where I grew up) at age 19. It was interesting because I knew nothing about arts and theatre. I was studying to be an engineer at the time. My first full-time job after graduating from college was as an engineer at JP Morgan Chase — I worked in a project management team that designed and

CEO & Founder of 23VIVI What made you decide to work in tech? There wasn’t any particular moment in my life that I decided that I was going to work in tech, I just started creating, and it’s where I ended up; but who knows in 20 years from now I could be in the health care “game” lol. What was an obstacle you faced and how did you overcome that obstacle? I struggled with covering my ideas initially. Then I realized that the more ideas I kept to myself, the

By Kendell Byrd   (@flylikeabyrd22) Two years ago, when I entered college, I thought I might like to study abroad. Throughout my life I have found that I am happiest when I am interacting with others. Upperclassmen had spoken so fondly of their time abroad, characterizing it as a highlight of their college experience. So the idea of learning about, collaborating with, and immersing myself in, a different culture with other college students truly excited me. During my sophomore year when I began to research study abroad opportunities, I found

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