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Learn To Code

  People are always talking about how kids and students should learn to code. I agree, because coding is interesting and fun.  It allows you to make anything you want such as videogames, websites, robots, and so much more. I like making useful websites, applications, and games.  You can see most of my projects at Two of my favorite programming languages to use are PHP and C++. But here is what I think is the most important reason why kids should learn to code: So they can teach their

This past year has brought along so much change in my life, mindset, plans, and goals–to the point where I decided I would change my major. I made the decision to change my major from art to a science last year, and it was an incredibly bold and spontaneous one at that. I remember walking out of the advisor meeting like, What the hell did I just get myself into? I decided I would become a computer programmer, software developer, web designer, etc. I want to be all of those

In March, I got the opportunity to speak at Urban Prep Academy, a preparatory school for students of color in Chicago. I talked to the senior class about pursuing a degree in computer science and entering the technology field. After the talk, a handful of students came to ask me follow up questions. Additionally, after my presentation, a number of the students expressed an increased interest in majoring in computer science and engineering. Through my conversations with high school students, it became clear to me that one of the reasons

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