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picture courtesy of #WOCinTechChat Written by Camille Eddy   In my role as a machine learning intern, I go to work every day and start my job. I turn on my computer and start looking at my next tasks. But what was quickly unavoidable is the realization that the field of Machine Learning is not very diverse. In this article, I hope to outline why as a black woman, helping to make the next intelligent robot is a massive deal. And why we need to bring more underrepresented groups into

picture courtesy of #WOCinTechChat written by Mark Downie Software development in many ways has lagged behind other engineering and scientific disciplines in academic rigor and professional regulations. When you take a closer look at most other engineering disciplines, they rest on a foundation of accretive professional standards, and on laws and regulations that expressly guard the public good. The sheer speed with which software patterns change and then subsequently permeate the lives of everyday people has probably contributed to our industries laissez-faire attitude. I would suggest that recent security breaches

How did you get involved in technology? When I was thirteen years old I was extremely obsessed with documentary films. I ended up watching a documentary about the history of computers. Everything from the first computers in the 40s/50s, to Microsoft and then the internet as it is today. I was like ‘this is so cool I’d like to learn about all this stuff’.  So, I just self-taught myself programming from high school, and my interests were in artificial intelligence and machine learning. So, I come in from a sort

Silly question to start off with, but what exactly is a data journalist and how does that differ from a normal journalist? I think that’s a really good question, as I hate it when people take things for granted. A data journalist is one who uses data as much as they possibly can in their work–which I know sounds really really silly, but it means I can write on any subject whatsoever; the only criterion is that data has to be available.Some of the pieces we write are about how

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