March 4, 2022

Applications Open For CodecademyAnd Black And Brilliant’s AI Accelerator

Codecademy announced that it will be partnering with the Black and Brilliant advocacy group on a new mentorship program and accelerator in Africa. 

Last year, the two organizations joined forces for their first accelerator and are now eager to expand the program to help create a new pipeline of tech talent across the African continent. 

 The intiative created by husband-and wife-team Tony Effik and Perky Noah-Effik was launched as a way to diversify the tech workforce and increase access for BIPOC communities.

The 10-week program will focus on upskilling and mentorship within a variety of tech fields including data science, data engineering, and programming. The program will use Codecademy’s self-guided, hands-on learning platform for the courses. 

There will also be a team of coaches and mentors from Google, Fujitsu, and Shopify that will delve into topics like user experience, ethics and bias, and the business of AI.

Applications for the Codecademy and Black and Brilliant Applied Artificial Intelligence program open March 1. Those interested in the program need to have some foundational knowledge of coding or have some kind of tech experience.

This year coaches also include Siphu LangeniAudrey Deyawe Kongmeneck, and Leonard Paul-Kamara, who were Learners last year.

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Abbianca Makoni

Abbianca Makoni is a content executive and writer at POCIT! She has years of experience reporting on critical issues affecting diverse communities around the globe.