April 3, 2024

Actor Kalani Jewel Hosts New “Code Along Jr” Academy For Girls Aged 7-10

Black Girls Code and GoldieBlox have teamed up to launch Code Along Jr., a free video-based coding academy. 

Code Along Jr. Academy

Hosted by the young actress Kalani Jewel, the program is specially tailored for girls aged 7-10, marking a step in nurturing the next generation of Black women leaders in the tech industry.

The program addresses the need to engage girls in STEM before societal stereotypes can dampen their enthusiasm. 

study by Junior Achievement revealed that only 9% of girls ages 13-17 are interested in STEM careers.

“Kalani, as a vibrant and energetic 12-year-old, is the perfect host for Code Along Jr. she shows girls that tech is fun, not scary,” said Black Girls Code CEO Cristina Jones.

“She reaches them at their level and shows them that they can do anything they want. This is so important because tech is at the center of everything we do, and Black girls absolutely have a lot to offer as entrepreneurs, executives, creators, and artists of the future.”

Role models and resources

The program utilizes Scratch, a leading coding platform for kids, and features six tutorials and inspiring role model videos.

To further push its mission, Code Along Jr. features content with Black girls and young women as instructors, delivering fun and impactful lessons. 

It’s a part of Black Girls Code’s broader initiative to provide a global library of free coding tutorials, aiming to position one million girls of color in tech by 2040.

For those interested in joining this transformative journey, young coders can subscribe to the Black Girls Code YouTube channel and follow them on social media for updates.

Sara Keenan

Tech Reporter at POCIT. Following her master's degree in journalism, Sara cultivated a deep passion for writing and driving positive change for Black and Brown individuals across all areas of life. This passion expanded to include the experiences of Black and Brown people in tech thanks to her internship experience as an editorial assistant at a tech startup.