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FanDuel is hiring on POCIT Meet Akilah Hugine-Elmore, a sports enthusiast who found her dream job by merging her love for sports with her expertise in UX research. A former basketball and softball player and avid sports watcher, Akilah is now the UX Research Director at FanDuel, America’s #1 Sportsbook. In this interview, she tells POCIT how she turned her passions into a fulfilling career.   Introduce yourself and what you do at FanDuel.  My name is Akilah. I’ve worked at FanDuel since August 2021 and am on the UX research team.

This article was first published by Joseph Micheal on Medium. Getting started with product design is a bit difficult at the beginning, like any other profession. It demands your passion, commitment, and consistency. But once you get your foot in the door, you will start seeing things more clearly than ever. Obviously, you’ll need to keep yourself updated with the ever-evolving industry, but by then, you would have mastered the art of learning. What is Product Design? Product design is the process of identifying real people with real problems and

A new Black-led professional technology training program is coming to Charlotte as a boot camp in February 2024. Boot camps serve as an alternate pathway into tech careers, and focuses can range from software development and designing user experience to coding and cybersecurity. According to an analysis shared by the NAACP, less than 6% of participants in technology-focused boot camps are Black. Dark Mode is a company aiming to connect and train diverse talent in the tech industry. Lusenii Kromah, a Charlotte native, founded it. The UX Bootcamp They have announced their

This article by Esteban Pérez-Hemminger was originally published on Medium. Why making less and thinking more is the future of your design role. As the year-end gets close I take time to examine the state of my professional and personal experiences. For fear of writing about puns and dad jokes, I will keep the personal stuff out of this. This year I look at the moments of success and validation alongside the challenges, failures and semi-disasters my team went through. But as I analyze the year one thing keeps creeping

This article by Gloria Lo was originally published in UX Planet. In the past three months, I’ve had a few people ask me about how I landed a job in UX design without having any relevant experience under my belt. “How did you get into UX without a design degree?” “What did you do to learn how to become a UX designer?” “What advice would you give to someone looking to transition into UX design?” Many people would believe that the immediate answer to this is to complete an intensive

Zaire Allen founded Love Circular, a digital academy for aspiring user experience and user interface designers, who build the visual and interactive components for apps and websites. The 25-year-old launched it in July 2020, two months after he was let go as a UX designer at a mortgage company during the pandemic. During the covid-19 pandemic, hundreds of thousands of people were either furloughed or fired – leaving some in limbo on how to make ends meet. But coronavirus, albeit an awful two years, was a life-changing period for some who

background image: written by Zalyia L. Grillet (@ZGrilletCo) Let’s talk about the moments in your life where you’ve felt valued. Maybe it was your 16th birthday, or your high school graduation? Or the time you entered the Chipotle line and the server gave you extra guacamole for free? All of these moments have something in common: an experience that you truly valued. Now let’s talk about some of the experiences you have on a daily basis. We all use some form of transportation, and being able to find our destination