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In 2023, the tech industry witnessed both advancements and persistent challenges concerning the experiences of Black and Brown individuals. Some companies are making strides in diversity and inclusion efforts, incorporating initiatives such as mentorship programs and targeted hiring practices. However, the sector has grappled with the complex intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) issues and ongoing legal battles against affirmative action.  Concerns regarding biased algorithms and AI systems perpetuating discrimination have prompted discussions about the ethical use of technology in hiring and workplace practices.  However, no matter how good or bad

When it comes to job interviews, everyone wants to put their best foot forward. But Black, Hispanic, and younger Americans feel the need to go the extra mile to impress potential employers, according to a study by the American Staffing Association conducted by The Harris Poll. The study found that while the majority of Americans prefer in-person interviews, white Americans (74%) were more likely to opt for in-person interviews over virtual or audio-only formats than Hispanic (67%) and Black (65%) Americans. Hispanic and Black Americans are also more likely to feel