This article was originally published by Carla C. Whyte on Medium. I transitioned from classroom teaching to a remote role in Customer Success in approximately three months. My role was ‘no-code’, meaning I did not need to learn to code in order to be considered for it. I’m naming that my role was ‘no-code’ because there is still some confusion for many people not yet in “tech”, that “tech” is a role. By itself, “tech” is not a role — it is an industry. Much like other industries — healthcare, automotive,
This article was first published by Joseph Micheal on Medium. Getting started with product design is a bit difficult at the beginning, like any other profession. It demands your passion, commitment, and consistency. But once you get your foot in the door, you will start seeing things more clearly than ever. Obviously, you’ll need to keep yourself updated with the ever-evolving industry, but by then, you would have mastered the art of learning. What is Product Design? Product design is the process of identifying real people with real problems and
This article was originally published by Anthony D Mays on his website. As a tech influencer, the single most frequently asked question I get is about how to transition into tech. People love the big salaries, cool products, and world-class perks bragged about on YouTube and TikTok. For underrepresented folks, getting into tech is about breaking into the greatest opportunity generator of our generation. With this in mind, I want to give you some principles to help guide you on the path towards transitioning into tech. We’ll also discuss how
Tech giant Apple has celebrated the inauguration of the first class to graduate from their US Developer Academy program. The program was launched as part of Apple’s $100 million Racial Equity and Justice scheme and is the first of its kind to take place in North America. The scheme has provided students with the necessary skills and knowledge to land some of the most prestigious jobs in the tech industry. The Detroit-based academy offers members of the community a free program to teach them the fundamentals of coding, design, marketing, and