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black women in business

Black women continue to face an uphill battle in their pursuit of leadership roles within American organizations, study by the National Library of Medicine has found. Despite efforts in diversity and inclusion, race and gender biases persist, hindering their progress and creating a cycle of unachieved aspirations. Struggles facing Black women leaders For Black women, the intersection of race and gender biases leads to “intersectional invisibility” where their contributions are often overlooked. This forces them to take greater career risks to advance. An analysis of leadership rhetoric data spanning 200

Acting White House National Cyber Director Kemba Walden has been told she won’t be considered to serve the role permanently, due to personal debt issues, despite praises and recommendations from key lawmakers and her predecessor.  Who is Kemba Walden? Congress created the Office of the National Cyber Director in 2021 to advise the president on cybersecurity policy and strategy. Walden joined the office the following year and has acted as the national cyber director since February.  In her role, she oversaw the rollout of the administration’s national cyber strategy and

Black Women Empowered, a global platform aimed to inspire women of color, has launched the Black Women Empowered Business Network. The platform will unite leading business and inspiring leaders to share their roadmap to success. Black women are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs, according to a Harvard Business Review report that found that 17% of Black women are in the process of starting or are running new businesses, compared to 10% of white women and 15% of white men.  Additionally, while Black women represent 14% of the female population,