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Tell me your story of how you got into tech. Yeah, sure. When I graduated from undergrad, I got a double degree in English and Psychology. My first job out was working on NPR on the show called ‘Tell Me More’ with Michel Martin. From there, I came to New York City to work at Discover Magazine. In that time, I was pretty set on being a journalist but I happened to read the book ‘Steve Jobs,’ which came out a little while ago, or it came out around then.

    Sourcing Manager, Edge – Facebook What made you decide to work in tech? I’ve always had a strong interest in tech. I was an early adopter of Facebook and took some C++ classes in high school, but my path into the tech industry probably looks a bit different than most. After graduating from college, I pursued my passion at the time (finance) and worked as an investment banking & business valuation analyst for two years. During that time, I had the opportunity to work on multiple engagements in the tech space

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