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Techish is back with a brand new episode! Abadesi and Michael discuss how Black Linkedin users who post in forceful tones about racial issues and injustices say they feel the platform has silenced them (13:21). They also break down: The Clubhouse app controversy (00:40) A new dating app for short kings? (05:40) Are Chief Diversity Officers necessary? (17:13) The death of cinema (22:04) Extras: Techish on Patreon:Advertise with Techish:Please rate and review the Techish podcast Subscribe To The Techish Podcast On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, And Other Platforms. Main image by Benjamin Norman via NYT of Aaisha Joseph, a diversity consultant, who had

Five weeks ago I joined Brandwatch as their first-ever VP of Global Community and Belonging. The night before my first day I had the first-day jitters and tossed and turned in bed. The following thoughts ran circles around my mind, “What if my performance doesn’t live up to the expectations set in the recruitment process? What if important stakeholders are directly opposed to my views and approach?” And of course that age-old anxiety inducer: “What if I got it all wrong in the interviews and I just don’t vibe with

Hi there! You’ve likely landed on this page because you heard that, along with my co-founder Jesse Middleton, I launched a venture capital fund called The Community Fund. You’re likely wondering “what is this fund about and who is Lolita Taub?” Well, the short of it is that through the fund, we’ll invest in community-driven companies destined to become unicorns through an investment team, taking a page from XFactor’s playbook. As for me, I’m an unlikely VC fund manager. Yes, I have fourteen years of experience as an operator and investor in

In early June, I wrote to diversity professionals and others advancing workplace inclusion about corporate statements responding to the killing of George Floyd. I did this to discourage companies from releasing PR-type statements that were heavy on buzzwords, light on substance, and unlikely to disrupt racial injustice occurring within their reach. Instead, I wanted corporate leaders to examine practices within their organizations that adversely impact Black talent and use statements to convey how they would dismantle the internal structures and systems that allow these injustices to perpetuate in the workplace. Fast forward

Today marks four years since I joined Google full-time otherwise known as my “Googleversary.” I keep waiting for some sort of graduation announcement or ceremony that would indicate the end of an era and the start of a new chapter, but I suppose that’s not exactly the same, after college. Today, I contemplated finally answering the million-dollar question I get too often “so, what do you do at Google?” But instead, I’ve decided to take some time today to reflect and simply celebrate some of my favorite moments over the

Subscribe to the Techish Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, And Other Platforms. In this episode of this Techish, Abadesi and Michael discuss who should be leading D&I roles or be in charge of companies where inclusion/community is the focus?  They also break down: Yeezy joins Gap, Facebook boycott [29:54] The unpaid labor of the Female CEO [6:00] Beyonce the Hotep? [27:55] Issues with management at OkayAfrica [21:56] Extras: Techish on Patreon: Advertise with Techish: Please rate and review the Techish podcast

Today was a not so good day at work. I’ve had better days. The issue itself isn’t even regarding my day-to-day work with clients or my immediate team. The issue is regarding how one of the largest technology companies in the world fails to understand and account for my personal living situation, during COVID-19. But that’s a whole different story, for another time. Regardless, it’s moments like this that remind me why it’s so important — more now than ever — to share our stories and our experiences with the

The last few weeks (but really years) have been nothing short of emotionally challenging. In between bouts of deep sadness and profound rage, I’m a confused mess. It hurts deeply to care so much about a world that’s not designed to promote the prosperity of Black people. While I’m consistently proud of (and enamored by) the resilience of our community throughout history, I often wonder about the amount of violence a community of people can endure before the damage is irreparable. I frequently worry about the collective psyche of oppressed

In the times of COVID-19, I have discovered a certain level of appreciation for human contact. I’m having a lot of trouble accepting the fact that I will not see most of my friends and community in real life, for what is likely to be the rest of 2020. Maybe a sense of community isn’t as important to some people, but as someone who engages in spiritual-religious community, music-related community, and other forms of gathering aimed to celebrate and embrace life’s many ups and downs, this is a difficult time.

Subscribe to the Techish Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, And Other Platforms. Episode Content: In this episode of this Techish, Abadesi and Michael discuss: ✊🏾  #BlackLivesMatter🤦🏾‍♂️ Deleting Trump off Twitter? [6:17]👍🏾 Profiting off Black Culture [11:12]🚀 Space X launch! [29:20]🤖 Microsoft automating journalism? [24:49] Extras: Techish on Patreon: Advertise with Techish: Please rate and review the Techish podcast

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